Buffalo community activists show how to combat Gerrymandering

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Buffalo, N.Y. — Here again, a coalition of community activists is having an impact on the city’s political work.freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ placementName: “thenation_right_rail”, slotId: “thenation_right_rail_419699″, positioning: { tn_author: ['geoff-k'], tn_articleid: [419699], tn_ptype: ‘article’, tn_keyword: [false ], tn_subject: ['activism', 'campaigns-', 'cities', 'class', 'democrats', 'economics', 'election-2', 'government', 'inequality', 'occupy-mov', 'political-', 'politics', 'poverty', 'social-jus', 'state-and-', 'the-left', 'urban-plan'], tn_pos: ‘rectangle_1′, tn_loc:’atf’ } });
It’s not as dramatic as helping Democratic socialist India Walton beat a four-term incumbent mayor in her first run in last summer’s Democratic primary.
But it has a lot of the same people, a lot of the same energy.Community activists elsewhere will do well to check what’s going on here.
The current uprising is related to redistricting the city’s Common Council to match 2020 US Census data, which show that Buffalo’s population has increased for the first time since 1950.NATIONAL INDIA Walton is not out of thin air JoAnn Wypijewski Why doesn’t New York’s top Democrat support the Democratic candidate for mayor of Buffalo?John Nichols
Redistricting is not a sexy topic.At its best, it’s quirky, involving complex formulas and tests of compactness, population bias, and racial balance.At worst, it’s corrupt — an opportunity for a once-in-a-decade deal between politicians to protect themselves and their allies from challengers.
Eleven years ago, when Buffalo was still losing its population, a pair of city councillors (at the time, all members of the city’s common committee were men—as they are today) reached an agreement with the approval of fellow lawmakers. such an agreement.
The longtime representative of the Eastside district that has been bleeding profusely for decades needs to add voters — preferably white voters — in his district.The co-committee chair, a black pastor, had something he was happy to lose.Plus, the pastor lives in a waterfront condo outside the area he represents.
So, in 2011, the council re-divided the two boroughs, connecting a sparsely populated, predominantly Black Eastside neighborhood with a densely populated, predominantly white West Side neighborhood through a block-wide corridor, one of which was tense. Connects the pastor’s apartment to his district.
You don’t need to know anything about Buffalo or its community to view this map and identify textbook cases of gerrymandering:
The central light blue area is Ellicott, represented by City Council President Darius Prigan.The tan area surrounding it was Fillmore, represented at the time by David French.var inline_cta_text_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_button_text_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_url_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_bg_color_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_font_color_419699 = ”;var cta_1_check_419699 = 假;var is_user_logged_in = getCookie(‘SESSname’);if( is_user_logged_in != null ){ inline_cta_text_419699 = ‘Donate to National Power now.Readers like you make our independent journalism possible.
Franczyk has retired.Pridgen no longer lives in that beachfront apartment.The political basis for the deal has disappeared.
However, when a redistricting committee mandated by the council earlier this year unveiled its proposed new map in May, little changed.Fillmore remains like a bird of prey, spreading its wings and falling from the sky; Ellicott District, while shedding its astounding seaside outbuildings, continues to have a strange peninsula.freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ placementName: “thenation_article_indent”, slotId: “thenation_article_indent”, positioning: { tn_author: ['geoff-k'], tn_articleid: [419699], tn_ptype: ‘article’, tn_keyword: [false ], tn_subject: ['activism', 'campaigns-', 'cities', 'class', 'democrats', 'economics', 'election-2', 'government', 'inequality', 'occupy-mov', 'political-', 'politics', 'poverty', 'social-jus', 'state-and-', 'the-left', 'urban-plan'], tn_pos: ‘rectangle_4′, tn_loc:’atf’ } });
It’s an existing protection proposal designed to keep lawmakers in the constituencies they know with voters they know for the next 10 years — especially next year, when all nine lawmakers must run for re-election.It retains the West End home of Frankic’s successor, Mitch Novakowski, in the Fillmore district.
This isn’t unique to Buffalo.Across the country, lawmakers guide the redistricting process, with results often catering to incumbents first and communities second.And, no doubt, the bones of many long-unrelated political deals are buried in the legislative maps of other cities.
As one local election lawyer put it, “guided by the dead hands of the past,” encouraging Buffalo lawmakers to get back to the drawing board.
The city council-appointed committee held a public hearing on the night of May 18, four days after a teenage white supremacist murdered 10 black people at an Eastside supermarket (Ellicott, if you were wondering).Two members of the public were present.Only one person spoke, declaring that the committee’s proposal was “an excellent map” for reuniting his block club in an area.It was split in two in 2011.
The person who didn’t speak was Dr. Russell Weaver, a data geographer at Cornell University’s School of International Labor Relations.Weaver used to be a legislative staffer for the Buffalo Commons.He served on the redistricting committee in 2011, which produced a zoned map that continued with the proposal he had just seen.He is the only one who opposes it.
So Weaver went home, turned on his computer, and started drawing a map.Then he started tweeting about his work.He shares the criteria he uses: compact, which means minimal odd shapes and protrusions; keeping neighborhoods as defined by city planners for policy purposes intact; promoting racial equality.He shared granular census data to show what he was doing.var inline_cta_2_text_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_2_button_text_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_2_url_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_2_bg_color_419699 = ”;var inline_cta_2_font_color_419699 = ”;var cta_2_check_419699 = 假;var is_user_logged_in = getCookie(‘SESSname’);if( is_user_logged_in != null ){ inline_cta_2_text_419699 = ‘Subscribe to gifts today!Know someone who likes The Nation?
His efforts were quickly supported and amplified by Our City Action Buffalo, a coalition that was active in Walton’s mayoral campaign last year.Our City Action held a public hearing on June 28 with over 100 speakers.All opposed the council’s rezoning plan – which was being built behind closed doors without public input.All support the alternative redistricting plan created by Weaver and driven by Our City Action.
Many were outraged that the first public hearing was held at a time when the city was reeling from tragedy, and the second was held on the day of the primary.
“This tells us everything we need to know about how little they respect or value our input,” said Harper Bishop, the leader of our urban action.”As their constituents, we — everyday Buffaloes — should be informed, engaged, and encouraged to participate…but they’re not even pretending to be listening.”
No one has defended parliament’s preferred plan, even those who looked distressed amid the criticism.
Condemnation is cruel and ruthless.The committee’s May 18 hearing lasted eight minutes.The City Council hearing on June 28 lasted two and a half hours.
In the face of this sudden rebellion, the Council chose to charge forward.Two days after brutal public hearings, it announced a special meeting on Friday morning, July 1, to pass its preferred plan.
But our city action humiliated, threatened and coaxed, flooding members’ offices with phone calls and emails until activists denounced members’ tone-deafness during a press conference on the steps of City Hall – the council cancelled Friday s meeting.
“The council has decided to postpone this meeting to provide more time to review and consider details related to the proposed map and public comments,” Council President Prigan said in a statement.”We will reschedule this meeting at a future date.”
The special session was not rescheduled.No new public hearings were announced.Legislative Council members didn’t address the issue at last week’s Legislative Council meeting, where they presented their preferred plan.
Here’s what communities in other cities might be concerned about: As the committee simmered in silence, it was the view of activists, but hardly a match.So our urban action moves on.
Over the long Independence Day weekend, activists dealt with feedback from Weaver’s alternative redistricting proposal, including responses from lawmakers.They then revised the proposal accordingly.
In other words, our urban action has put itself in the role of a truly independent, citizen-led redistricting committee.
Weaver’s first plan outperformed the city council’s plan in terms of compactness, keeping the community intact and promoting racial equity.The revised plan is still better.Again, people don’t have to know about Buffalo or the surrounding area.The new map looks better:
Under city bylaws, the city council has until the end of the month to pass a rezoning plan.The mayor will then hold his own public hearing before submitting the approved plan to the county board of elections.The map used will identify regional candidates for next year’s campaign.
On Friday afternoon, July 8, the City Council announced that it would meet and vote on its redistricting proposal on the afternoon of July 12.Over the weekend, the Action Our City coalition again scrambled to launch a boycott: press conferences, phone calls and email campaigns, media appearances.
The city council is likely to ignore the uprising, adopt its preferred redistricting plan (or a similar one), and then take time off for the city’s August recess to let staff deal with angry calls and emails.They may have temporarily lost the rudder, but it’s still their boat.
Remember, India’s Walton shocked regional politics by winning the Democratic primary last June.But she lost the election in November.The power of layoffs is powerful.
However, lawmakers know that potential challengers are ready to slap them with the issue in next year’s election cycle.Those challengers will be supported.The editorial board of the Buffalo News — usually not friends of progressive activists — blasted the council and wholeheartedly supported the “Our City Action” alternative.More than 800 people signed a petition in support of it.Neighborhood clubs and community business associations have also joined.
Last week, Weaver appeared on a weekly radio show hosted by government group Partnership for the Good to discuss “Our City Action Plan.”He was joined by Jillian Hanesworth, the city’s first officially designated poet laureate.
“We have to take note of what our elected officials’ priorities are,” she said. “If we’re not on the list, they have to leave.”
Editor’s Note: The Common Committee once again postponed its scheduled vote after the publication of this article the night before the hearing scheduled for July 12.
Geoff KellyTwitterGeoff Kelly is a reporter for the Investigative Post, a nonprofit investigative journalism center focused on issues of importance to Buffalo and Western New York.
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Post time: Jul-13-2022